online workshop

How to Divide Household and Family-Related Tasks Without Hating Each Other

Leave this workshop with:

- a framework for how to figure out what’s “FAIR” (this is weirdly hard…especially with a SAHParent)

- a clear and actionable plan that’s specific to you (I make you get more clear than you ever imagined necessary)

- tools to get and stay on the same page

Holy poop. Why is this SO hard? Well, after working as a couples therapist for almost 20 years, I can tell you, for LOADS of invisible reasons, this is ridiculously complicated.

This workshop includes the exact system that I have been teaching clients for years, plus customizable household and family-related task templates and a weekly meeting outline that you can tweak to fit your specific needs.

Read so much more below.



— If you’ve said or heard this, this workshop is for you.

“How did you decide who does what?”

…is a question I ask most couples I work with.

“Ummmm…we didn’t. We just sort of slid into doing things this way,” is the answer I most often hear.

Despite perceived fairness of division of household and family-related tasks being a STRONG predictor of marital satisfaction, many of us aren’t talking about it until we’re angry and it’s too late.

Many of us (even those of us with degrees in Marriage and Family Counseling who are married to husbands who have a big desire to be very involved dads) find ourselves drowning in babies and to-dos and screaming some version of …

“WHY DO I HAVE TO TELL YOU WHAT TO DO?! WHY CAN’T YOU JUST KNOW?!!!!” at our spouse, who, at home, is a champ at taking orders and has somehow slidden HARD into the passenger seat on this joint venture. Maybe you both would prefer for this to feel like a co-pilot kind of arrangement, but you can’t quite figure out how to get there, no matter how hard you try or how many conversations you have on repeat.

Maybe, even though you swore it would never be, your relationship is starting to look and sound like a caricature of marriage: the “nagging wife”… and the “incompetent and incapable husband”. It’s an unfortunately easy place to get to.

Moms, if you’ve been drowning in to-do ocean and begging for help for a while, it’s likely you’ve thought to yourself things like, “Am I important?”, “Do I matter?”, “Does he even love me?”, and “I don’t know how to be any more clear.”

Dads, if your spouse is frustrated and you want them to be happy, it’s likely you feel like that goalpost is always moving and that you can never do it right or enough.

I believe FAMILIES are set up to fail in this department, and over 20+ years, I’ve fine-tuned a path to success that’s more than just distributing tasks on a list; there’s so much to consider if you want this change to STICK. We evaluate personality type, strengths, and weaknesses, give you tools to maintain consistency without managing or monitoring each other, and help you communicate about all of this in a way that doesn’t devolve into defensiveness, hurt feelings, no resolution, and resentment.

Ready to get some movement in a better-feeling direction?

I am SO happy to help :)

No more winging it alone…

I’m a Licensed Psychotherapist and Relationship Coach (18 years) with a 6-month+ waitlist and a Corporate Speaker for global companies like Bayer. I have years of experience as a University Professor and Advisor, a certification in the Gottman Method (plus many others), and, many moons ago, was an assistant to the editor of a peer-reviewed journal (I like research). I am also a wife to an Iowan who has the sense of humor of a 12-year-old and a mother to 3 (one with ADHD and a spicy sense of humor).

Everything here is backed by science, research, and loads of real-life testing but is delivered without the psychobabble and with a side of humor that I’m told husbands appreciate; I imagine mine in the audience whenever I’m speaking.

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  • This workshop and every other course & workshop (see list below).

  • Over 40 hours of video content and growing.

    Members have access to a database of past workshops and live monthly workshops on topics ranging from understanding and communicating about sex drive differences to managing technology and creating family chore systems.

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$84 for 3 months.

Because how you do anything is how you do everything.


How many times have you not followed through with the changes you wish to create in your relationships, household, and family? This workshop is only available in our relateWELL Membership because it will likely illuminate other areas where growth is essential for follow-through and sustainable change.

You might realize that what’s kept you stuck in this department are some communication issues, that you could have better boundaries here, there, and everywhere, or that you need all the tips and tricks on getting kids to do chores.

Resources for these topics are inside. Instead of nickel-and-diming you, we’ve created a create-your-own adventure in relationship and family well-being resources and support that you can participate in for three months at a time to get you the results you crave.


This workshop is included in our relateWELL membership all-access pass ($600+ value). You’ll receive access to past pre-recorded workshops and upcoming live workshops during your membership. We cover the most talked about topics in relationship therapy.

relateWELL Membership All Access Pass

Try It Out Risk-Free For 7 Days!

Palatable (sometimes humorous) and easy-to-digest information, with ample time for practice, and support for course correction. This is what creates sustainable change.

I know this membership works because I’m sharing the exact same processes I’ve used to create HUGE relationship turnarounds in my own life and those of my clients for the last 18 years. However, if you're on the fence...or if you're skeptical if change is even possible for you, then I want to give you every chance to start this program with absolute confidence. That's why I'm giving you a FULL 7 DAYS in the program at no risk. Choose to quit by day 7, and you'll receive a full refund. No questions asked.

Still not sure?? Try this first:

“We are fighting about stupid stuff…”

I hear this from clients all the time. Whether you’re getting stuck in conversations that go nowhere with your spouse, your mother, or your kid, this video will help you move towards resolutions in a matter of minutes. No more escalating arguments. No more shutdowns with zero resolution. Join the thousands who have participated in the 30-minute How to Not Get Stuck Workshop (FREE for a limited time!) that will change the way you argue…or your money back 😉 Usually $47.00!