online workshop

Sex Drive Workshop

+ Solutions for Relationships

Have you ever wondered if your sex drive is normal? Maybe you couldn’t care less if you ever have sex again…or it seems like this is how your partner feels. At least 33% of women say they have lost interest in sex.

Differing sex drives are a huge source of conflict, misunderstandings, and hurt feelings in relationships….it’s just so easy to take this topic personally when it’s not deeply understood.

What does it mean if your drive isn’t what it used to be?? Ugh, it depends, but we’ll get clear on what it is for you. Hint: it often doesn’t mean you’re incompatible.

In this workshop, we’ll dive deep into this highly misunderstood topic (beyond the podcast). You’ll leave with insights as to what might be getting in the way, specifics on how to talk about this tough-to-talk-about subject, and ideas to try that have been tried and tested in my practice for over 15 years. “Just do it more” will not be a suggested solution (one of my client’s doctors actually said this to her).

Q+A to follow.


Check Out This Episode

Dr. Laurie Mintz, author, emeritus professor, licensed psychologist, and sex therapist joins us on the podcast to answer questions like, Where has our drive gone? What can we do about it? HOW the heck do we talk about this with our partners? Should we be scheduling sex? Having “duty sex?”, and….Should we be faking it? Dr. Lori is seriously one of my idols and being able to chat with her was a DREAM. If this subject stresses you out or makes you sweaty just thinking about it, Dr. Laurie is wise and entertaining, and I hope she will help you feel more at ease about this not-so-easy-to-talk-about subject AND that you leave this podcast feeling more accepting of yourself. Maybe….you’re not broken…


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    Members have access to a database of past workshops and live monthly workshops on topics ranging from understanding and communicating about sex drive differences to managing technology and creating family chore systems.

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How many times have you not followed through with the changes you wish to create in your relationships, household, and family? This workshop is only available in our relateWELL Membership because it will likely illuminate other areas where growth is essential for follow-through and sustainable change. You might realize you and your spouse aren’t on the same page about emotional intimacy and could use some expertise in the communication department to get there, that you could have better boundaries here, there, and everywhere, and/or that quality time and date nights need to be prioritized, but you need help figuring out when, how, and how much?

Resources for these topics are inside. Instead of nickel-and-diming you, we’ve created a create-your-own adventure in relationship well-being resources and support you can be a part of for 3 months at a time to get you the results you crave.


This workshop is included in our relateWELL membership all-access pass ($600+ value). You’ll receive access to past pre-recorded workshops and upcoming live workshops during your membership. We cover the most talked about topics in relationship therapy.

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I know this membership works because I’m sharing the exact same processes I’ve used to create HUGE relationship turnarounds in my own life and those of my clients for the last 18 years. However, if you're on the fence...or if you're skeptical if change is even possible for you, then I want to give you every chance to start this program with absolute confidence. That's why I'm giving you a FULL 7 DAYS in the program at no risk. Choose to quit by day 7, and you'll receive a full refund. No questions asked.

Still not sure?? Try this first:

“We are fighting about stupid stuff…”

I hear this from clients all the time. Whether you’re getting stuck in conversations that go nowhere with your spouse, your mother, or your kid, this video will help you move towards resolutions in a matter of minutes. No more escalating arguments. No more shutdowns with zero resolution. Join the thousands who have participated in the 30-minute How to Not Get Stuck Workshop (FREE for a limited time!) that will change the way you argue…or your money back 😉 Usually $47.00!