HAFT (Household & Family-Related Task) Table

Parenting Schedule

Weekly Check-In

First Meeting To-Dos

  1. Before the meeting, make list of absolutely everything you do in a day, week, month, year (can use HAFT for help)

- Deposit Oprah-level $$ in your bank account

- Cross off things with one line you would no longer do

2. Before the meeting, review How to Not Get Stuck Workshop and continue with the Learn How to Fight Course if communication continues to be difficult.

3. Befoer the meeting, take the personality type inventory at www.16personalities.com, print summary, mark things that don’t feel super accurate, and share with partner. This inventory will tell us more information about what gives you energy and what drains you. This information might give you all ideas of tasks that might fit each of your personality types and/or what each of you require for follow-through.

4. Review information and take a SHITTY FIRST STAB at filling out a copies of the HAFT Table and Parenting Schedule for yourselves :)