online workshop

Family Rules, Chores,

& Systems for Discipline

There hasn’t been a more confusing time to be a parent. Period.

Feeling defeated? Frustrated? Can’t get on the same page? Let me guess, one of you is “too hard” and the other is “too soft”.

If we’re not using corporal punishment…then WHAT DO WE DO? What are the consequences? And how do we deliver them without shame or being pulled into a power struggle? What do you do when your kid doesn't take NO for an answer? Like, WILL NOT STOP ARGUING.

How do you get them to do their chores or pick up after themselves without asking 700 times, and then screaming and yelling about it on the 701st time just for them to say, “Geez! What's your problem!?”

If they fart at the dinner table, do you just gentle-parenting-say, “Hey, farting at the dinner table is not ok," AGAIN, even though it doesn't seem to be motivating them to make better choices??? 

If you don't have a plan when it comes to parenting, you flail…it’s impossible to get on the same page with your spouse, and everyone is confused about the reactions they’re getting because consistency doesn’t exist. Change doesn’t happen. THIS is where all the parenting books left me hanging.

This workshop includes the exact system we use in our household, which I have been teaching clients for years, plus customizable Family Rules, Chores, and Good Habit Card (discipline system) templates that you can tweak to fit your family. Read so much more below.

**Meant for families with elementary-aged + kids.


Mika, we can't thank you enough for helping us create this parenting plan. It isn't even what we came to you for! But you quickly recognized that it was sorely needed. Our relationship has more space, our home is more peaceful, and not being ”enemies" in regards to parenting feels SO GOOD. Thank you, thank you, THANK YOU!!!

— A Happy Client

Our Story

It took an ADHD diagnosis of one of our kiddos and the realization that this kid, especially, thrived in environments with HIGH structure and HIGH boundaries for me to sit down and sift through info in my brain and on my bookshelves to integrate the best of what I knew from my understanding of motivation, Parent-Child Interaction Therapy, behavior change, several parenting theoretical frameworks, and the 36 sections of Human Growth and Development I'd taught to create a highly detailed parenting plan. 

I knew my husband and I had to be on the same page, and having him read 10+ books and mastering knowledge in a Human Growth and Development textbook to fully understand the plan wasn't going to happen. 

The plan had to be simple and clear: if THIS, then THAT, so that everyone (including the kids) knew what to expect and could be on the same page. 

I'm sharing it all with you in this workshop. You'll get customizable templates to create your own family rules, good habit cards (a cool system for discipline that helps you keep your COOL), and chore systems that can't fail. 

And I'll be on call for a Q+As so that we can get you through your specific-to-you stuck spots.

THE RESULTS?? The nanosecond we implemented the plan, our lives became easier. It worked for reasons I couldn't even anticipate.

For years, one of our highly sensitive kids had thought that we favored the other 2. No matter how we explained that this wasn't the case, she didn't buy it. Feeling like you're the “least favorite” is not a good way to feel, and you can imagine this, in and of itself, led to her acting out…which then became a weird self-fulfilling prophecy. 

Once the plan was implemented, she could SEE that the consequences were the SAME for everyone in the house and could no longer perceive that hers were “worse”. Her attitude immediately changed. It. was. wild.

Our kiddo with ADHD, who sometimes impulsively or compulsively did or said things, had a way to work off and through her guilt with the consequences (not punishments…very important distinction) within the system for discipline. Instead of us just calling her out on “not ok” things and her feeling bad, she had something to DO to make it better…which really seemed to lessen her feelings of shame and, therefore, the anger episodes that often led to her getting in trouble decreased.

Over the years, I've shared this system with clients with reactions like, “Gawd, how did you think of all this?” 

BUT THE #1 REASON WHY I'M CONVINCED I SHOULD SHARE is that my kids (who really dislike the plan, btw) say that they think families we know and come in contact with should use it, lol.

Me, “Wait, wait, wait, I thought you hated the family rules and the good habit cards?”

Them, “Well, I do. I mean…WE don't need it, but OTHER PEOPLE DO.” While not the nicest thing to say…it is a testament to the plan. They see other parents flailing, and it’s clear to them they need a plan.

This workshop is meant for parents of elementary-aged kids and older, but it will also include some applicable ideas for smaller kiddos. 

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How many times have you not followed through with the changes you wish to create in your relationships, household, and family? This workshop is only available in our relateWELL Membership because it will likely illuminate other areas where growth is essential for follow-through and sustainable change.

You might realize you and your spouse aren’t on the same page because you could use some expertise in the communication department to get there without escalating or shutting down, that you could have better boundaries here, there, and everywhere, or that you need all the tips and tricks on managing screens.

Resources for these topics are inside. Instead of nickel-and-diming you, we’ve created a create-your-own adventure in relationship well-being resources and support that you can participate in for three months at a time to get you the results you crave.


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“We are fighting about stupid stuff…”

I hear this from clients all the time. Whether you’re getting stuck in conversations that go nowhere with your spouse, your mother, or your kid, this video will help you move towards resolutions in a matter of minutes. No more escalating arguments. No more shutdowns with zero resolution. Join the thousands who have participated in the 30-minute How to Not Get Stuck Workshop (FREE for a limited time!) that will change the way you argue…or your money back 😉 Usually $47.00!