All the Feels: Burden or Superpower?

Sometimes I say smart things. AND, I have LIVED on either side of this. ⁣

I intimately understand what it’sa like to slowly untangle layers of unhealthy beliefs about relationships. ⁣

You lose people. People WILL go away. Those people who benefitted from you having a lack of boundaries and standards will think there’s something wrong with you. ⁣

“What is your problem?”⁣

They’ll talk about you behind your back. They’ll confront you to your face. THIS is not a sign that you should turn around, THIS is a sign you’re on the right track. ⁣

You’ll feel lonely, it’ll feel ALL WRONG. Uncomfortable isn’t a big enough word. ⁣

But you’ll emerge on the other side with a superpower. Your sensitivity will no longer drain you. You’ll be a fierce protector of your energy. You’ll be “picky” about how people treat you, and you’ll find your tribe of weirdos...they’re waiting for you. ⁣

And you’ll get to show other people that this is a climbable mountain. That there’s peace, and belonging, and people who are excited for you when things go well on the other side. ⁣

Click here for a YouTube video series on BOUNDARIES...that might be a great place to start. ⁣

You deserve happy relationships,⁣

The FREE Training for Busy Couples is available now. Click below to pick your class time.



Conflict Builds Intimacy ??????