All the Feels: Burden or Superpower?
Sometimes I say smart things. AND, I have LIVED on either side of this.
I intimately understand what it’sa like to slowly untangle layers of unhealthy beliefs about relationships.
You lose people. People WILL go away. Those people who benefitted from you having a lack of boundaries and standards will think there’s something wrong with you.
“What is your problem?”
They’ll talk about you behind your back. They’ll confront you to your face. THIS is not a sign that you should turn around, THIS is a sign you’re on the right track.
You’ll feel lonely, it’ll feel ALL WRONG. Uncomfortable isn’t a big enough word.
But you’ll emerge on the other side with a superpower. Your sensitivity will no longer drain you. You’ll be a fierce protector of your energy. You’ll be “picky” about how people treat you, and you’ll find your tribe of weirdos...they’re waiting for you.
And you’ll get to show other people that this is a climbable mountain. That there’s peace, and belonging, and people who are excited for you when things go well on the other side.
Click here for a YouTube video series on BOUNDARIES...that might be a great place to start.
You deserve happy relationships,
The FREE Training for Busy Couples is available now. Click below to pick your class time.